Monday, May 10, 2010

Ma Mere may think that this post came a little late than it should but then again, I don't really care about what you think (Haha..konon-konon esah nak membuat statement yang gagah la ni..*poyo!!*)..Maaf. Please don't hate me reader (or readers)..:p
Last Sunday was Mother's Day. But in my family, Mother's Day is just another day where we still ask my mom to cook for us (Saya bukan anak derhaka ye. Cuma kurang kemahiran memasak je. Nanti tak pasal-pasal kena food poisoning lagi teruk. Lagi derhaka kalau buat mak sakit perut..Hehe.. ). But this post is entirely dedicated to that one special person even though she may not going to read this. I love my mom so much. There are no other words that I can say to show her how much I love her. She may not know that I love her that much because I don't really know how to show it. I swear I really don't. For me, the more I love someone, the harder it is for me to say that I love them and the harder it is for me to show them how much I care, love, adore, admire etc. I'm not exactly a person who wears her heart on her sleeves. Yup. That's why I tak kisah kalau orang nak kata I ni teruk ke, takde perasaan, tak penyayang, selfish, sombong, mengada-ngada semua. Truth is, I hardly tell my mom that I love her. Not even mom. Dad too. What kind of daughter am I. Kesian my parents. They must have feel underappreciated. I'm not like my sister who showers them with hugs and kisses every time. But I really love them. My mom and dad. Just that I love them in a different kind of way. A way that they will never know. But I guess they will know if one of them needs a new kidney..(Ceh esah mulut tu tak agak-agak..). God forbid. I pray for their health and happiness all the time. Tapi rasa-rasanya macam my parents lagi sihat daripada I sebab my dad rajin cabut rumput kat rumah and my mom mengamalkan pemakanan sihat.

Ok..back to my mom..(Cerita pasal my dad I buat next time lah). My mom is a strong woman. She stands by my dad during his hardest times. Offers him support and unconditional love( Cewahh). Melayan perangai adik bongsu I yang paling mengada-ngada dan asyik selalu nak emo. Balik dari kerja masak pulak tu (Kadang-kadang tak masak juga tapi ok la kan daripada I yang balik dari kerja lepas tu makan, tengok TV, tidur je). She tolerates my craziness termasuklah masalah I dengan semut-semut (Walaupun dia cakap I mengada-ngada tapi dia layan I jugak). Mempunyai kebolehan untuk tawaf shopping mall yang mengagumkan bagi wanita berusia 50-an (I lagi cepat surrender daripada my mom)..And..did I mention that she gave birth to 3 cute children and 2 good-for -nothing children (Haha..jahat sungguh esah..*Gurau saja harap maklum. *I sayang jugak la kat 2 orang tu kan. Sayang sikit je..). My mom juga seorang yang lelucon yakni kelakar. Kelakar yang jujur ala-ala Mr. Bean gitu. You know..kelakar yang macam main cakap je apa yang dia nak cakap dan ayat-ayat yang keluar dari mulut dia memang kelakar tapi benar. Adik I pernah bergurau dengan my mom and called her kucing gemuk lepas tu my mom pun balas balik cakap adik I tu kucing jerawat. Lepas tu kalau kitorang tengah tengok TV, ada artis-artis Melayu tak sedar diri yang pakai baju nampak cleavage semua mesti my mom akan cakap "ish ish apalah perempuan ni pakai baju nampak t***k. Awak tengok tu bah…(I sesungguhnya anti sikit dengan the T-word tersebut dan why oh why my mom suruh ayah I tengok aset perempuan lain).

Mak I sama saja macam mak-mak lain dan kalau I nak cerita panjang-panjang pun, mesti ada orang lain yang cakap ala mak aku pun macam tu juga. So untuk menjimatkan masa kita semua, cukup-cukuplah yang I tulis ni ye. I tak boleh tulis dengan lebih syahdu lagi. Habislah reputasi I sebagai seorang yang tak syahdu.


I love you and I can't imagine my life without you

I'm not the best daughter anyone could ever asked for

But I could never ask for a better mother (than you, of course!)

I want to make you proud but I know I have very little to offer me still

And I know you are and you always will

God..please don't ever let me forget.

Caucincau u ollz!!


  1. yeah..i love my mom too...tapi i tau & percaya naluri ibu cukup kuat untuk mentafsir cintanya seorang anak kepada ibunya walaupun tak ditunjukkan.

  2. thanks sanghijau..sgt sdp hati mendengarnye..=)
