Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the second one

well i guess there's such a thing as another post from me..sungguh tak disangka2..i don't actually have the knack for writing apatah lagi to keep updating this kind of thing..tapi takpela..layankan je la my temporary insanity ni yg tak tau asal usul punca sebab musabab ni..haha..

but before i akan lebih mengarut dlm this post or upcoming posts (ada "s" di situ..hehe..), allow me to say this..pardon me for the languages i used here..suke2 hati je nak main campur2..kot2 la ada yg cam offended ke kan sbb tak guna bahasa Melayu or English dgn sebetul-betulnye, my apology in advance. saya hanya manusia biasa..

moving on..

in case you're wondering..i REALLY AM NOT a mental case..tp sometimes i just don't think people get me because fikiran i yg suke melayang2 ni kdg2 tatau gi mana, kdg2 rs cam tak logik je utk cakap or rasa something sbb bg org lain bnde tu bknla bnde yg seharusnye dicakapkan or dirasakan sedemikian rupa..get it?people tend to think that i'm exaggerating almost about everything..maybe i am la kan tp tatau la nape leh jd cmtu..i'm built that way kot sbb kalau sume org cam tak exaggerate, then sape yg nk amik peduli kalau satu2 bnde tu leh get bigger than what it really is?talk about forward thinking kan..

my friend aainaa calls me a drama queen..i call myself an obsessive compulsive..my bf calls me kalkulator saintifik..so leh jd mental ke tak cmni?bnyk sgt identiti pun tak bgus gak..halamak ai...

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